28 & 29 Novemer 2015
@ Barbican & @ Lubomirov / Angus-Hughes Gallery
in association with Barbican and Fring! Queer Film Fest
In the spirit of collectivity and teamwork, we explored ideas of 'mutual concern': the social production of taste (and tastelessness), the distribution of ideas and objects, the circuits of desire that mark us as part of something bigger than ourselves, for better or worse.
On Saturday, 28 November 2015, Iām With you Frige! Queer Film Festivan curated Peter Cant & Krzysztof Honowski, Eirini Kartsaki & Emma Bennett, and Owen Parry to create an atmosphere of participation and conversation to complement the ethos of collectivity and critical communities exhibited in Liz Rosenfeld's The Surface Tension Trilogy.
On Sunday, 29 November 2015, I'm With You joined forces with Foodgasm Berlin to produce a culinary brunch extravaganza at Lubomirov / Angus-Hughes Gallery in Lower Clapton, London.
Photos of brunch by Christa Holka